K-1 Mrs. Egan (Tues.)
K-3 Mrs. Piccariello (Thurs.)


Week of 5/25: Video Lesson: Last class of the year!
Book in the video read with permission from Scholastic Books (I forgot to mention that in the video.  Book by Eric Carle)

Week of 5/18: Video Lesson: Las frutas
Song link: Rockalingua: Frutas

Week of 5/11: Video Lesson: La familia practice

Song links: Rockalingua: La familia
                   Tiburón bebé

Week of 5/4: Video Lesson: Cinco de mayo

These are some fun things to do for Cinco de mayo (optional)
-Read-aloud video of a book about the holiday
-Silly Song to get up and moving! :) 
-Activity to make your own maracas

Week of 4/27: Video Lesson: La familia

I found this song with family words that you might like too. 

Week of 4/20: Video Lesson: Watch this video & practice weather, body, & clothes words.  Keep practicing Spanish prayers & Spanish words for anything you know. :) 

Week of 4/6 (Semana Santa: Holy Week): This week, I would just like for you to practice the Hail Mary in Spanish.

I have recorded a video with the 2nd half repeated.

Or, if you feel like you're ready to pray it all together, try this video.

Week of 3/31: Ropa review lesson: Watch this video, then practice saying the Spanish words for what you are wearing!

Then, maybe you can watch one of the song videos that I posted to have some fun in Spanish! (under the assignment for 3/20)

Week of 3/24: Here are a couple lesson videos for you to watch (of me):

Review Lesson (prayer, color song, numbers, weather, body)

New lesson: La ropa (clothes) intro

La ropa song 

3/20: Here are a couple links to songs to get you up and moving in Spanish:

Arriba, abajo, izquierda, derecha (up, down, left, right)

La yenka

3/18 9:45 am: ¡Buenos días!  I will have something posted up here as soon as I can, so that you can review Spanish.

*** End of Trimester 2 ***

Week of 3/10: This week, we will continue practicing body & weather words, & read Froggy juega al fútbol, listening for body words.

Weeks of 2/25 & 3/3: This week, we will continue practicing body words & weather.

Week of 2/18: This week, we will review the weather words (& from here till the end of the year).  Then, we will start to learn words for some parts of the body:

el cuerpo: the body (el cwair-poh)
la cabeza: the head  (lah cah-beh-sah)
los brazos: the arms   (lohs brah-sohs)
las piernas: the legs    (lahs pee-air-nahs)
los pies: the feet    (lohs pee-ehs)
los ojos: the eyes    (lohs  oh-hohs)
las orejas: the ears   (lahs oh-ray-hahs)
la boca: the mouth   (lah boh-cah)
la nariz: the nose    (lah nah-rees)
las manos: the hands    (lahs mah-nohs)
el pelo: the hair    (el pay-loh)

We will sing a song similar to Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes, but will change it to Head, Arms, Legs & Feet:

Cabeza, brazos, piernas, pies, piernas, pies
Cabeza, brazos, piernas, pies, piernas, pies
Ojos, orejas, boca y nariz
Cabeza, brazos, piernas, pies, piernas, pies

Week of 2/12: This week, we will practice weather words & motions, talk about the weather today, and then read a book: Clifford y la tormenta, listening for weather words.

Week of 2/4: This week, we will start learning how to talk about the weather in Spanish, using hand motions to help us remember.  

¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?  What's the weather like today?  ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
-Hace sol. 
(AH-say soul)  It's sunny. (hand over eyes, like it's too bright)
-Hace frío. (AH-say FREE-oh)  It's cold.  (arms around self, shivering)
-Hace calor. (AH-say cah-LOR) It's hot.  (fan neck/face with hands)
-Hace viento. (AH-say vee-EN-toh) It's windy.  (blow silently into hand & fan out)
-Está nublado. (eh-STAH noo-BLAH-tho) It's cloudy.  (make clouds above head with hands)
-Llueve.  It's raining. (yoo-EH-veh) (rain down with fingers)
-Nieva.  It's snowing. (nee-EH-vah) (hands open for snowflakes, floating down back & forth)

Week of 1/28: This week, we will continue practicing numbers from 1-12, counting things in a book & around the room.

Week of 1/21: This week, we will practice counting from 1-12 in Spanish, using an M&M counting book.  You can practice with any of your snacks: adding & subtracting in Spanish! :) 

11: once (ohn-say)
12: doce (doh-say)

Week of 1/14: This week, we review how to count 1-10 in Spanish & practice counting people & things.  Keep practicing at home!

1 uno (oo-noh)
2 dos (dohs)
3 tres (trehs)
4 cuatro (quah-troh)
5 cinco (sink-oh)
6 seis (say-s: soft s)
7 siete (see-eh-tay)
8 ocho (oh-choh)
9 nueve (noo-eh-veh)
10 diez (dee-ehs)

Week of 1/7: This week, we will listen to a folk tale (The Firefly Star) about celebrating 3 Kings Day (Epiphany) in Latin America.

Week of 12/17: This week, we will learn some Spanish Christmas words (with motions) from a book called El árbol de navidad, practice counting, & sing "Feliz navidad."  ¡Feliz navidad! :)

el árbol - the tree
la vela - the candle
el caramelo - the candy (cane)
el trineo - the sleigh
el venadito - the reindeer
la estrella - the star
¡Qué lindo! - How beautiful/pretty!

Week of 12/10: Happy feast days of Our Lady of Guadalupe & St. Juan Diego!  This week, we will watch a video about the story of Our Lady's appearance to St. Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531.  She left her miraculous image on his tilma (cloak), which can still be seen in the basilica in Guadalupe, Mexico.

Week of 12/3: This week, we learn how to count 1-10 in Spanish & practice counting people & things.  We will also practice counting with a book about posadas (a Mexican Christmas tradition).  Keep practicing at home!

1 uno (oo-noh)
2 dos (dohs)
3 tres (trehs)
4 cuatro (quah-troh)
5 cinco (sink-oh)
6 seis (say-s: soft s)
7 siete (see-eh-tay)
8 ocho (oh-choh)
9 nueve (noo-eh-veh)
10 diez (dee-ehs)

*** End of Trimester 1 ***

11/26: Today in K-1, we will read a book in Spanish about Thanksgiving.  ¡Feliz día de acción de gracias! :)

Week of 11/19: This week, we will review the colors & color a picture with the colors shown.

Week of 11/12: No Spanish class this week, due to shortened schedule on Tues. & field trip on Thurs.

Week of 11/5: This week, we will read a story in Spanish about Copito de nieve, un gorila blanco de Barcelona, which practices the color words.  We will review colors, responding to classroom words, & asking/answering how we are.

Week of 10/29: This week, we will learn about the Mexican holiday, el día de los muertos (Day of the Dead), alongside our holidays of Halloween, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day, and review our Spanish color words.

Week of 10/22: This week, we will learn the last 3 colors that we will learn this year, and add another verse to our song:

Orange is...
Pink is rosado;
Gris is gray.

Pronunciation (more or less):
anaranjado: ah-nah-rahn-ha-tho (hard th)
rosado: roh-sah-tho (hard th)
gris: grees

Week of 10/15: This week, we will learn & practice 4 more colors, and add another verse to the song:

White is blanco,
Negro: black,
Purple is morado,
Brown: café

Pronunciation (more or less):
blanco: blah-nco
negro: neh-gro
morado: mo-rah-do ("d" has more like a "th" sound: like in "that")
café: cah-FAY

Week of 10/8: This week, we will learn 4 color words in Spanish.  You can sing this to the same tune as "Are You Sleeping?/Frere Jacques."

Red is rojo,
Blue: azul,
Yellow: amarillo,
Verde: green.

Pronunciation (more or less, with flipped "r"):
rojo: roh-hoh
azul: ah-sool
amarillo: ah-mah-ree-yoh
verde: vair-day

Week of 10/1: This week, we will continue to practice the vocabulary we learned last week. (See below.)

Week of 9/24: This week, we will learn to ask & answer "How are you?" & use some other courtesy words:

¿Cómo estás?  (How are you?)
Muy bien  (very well)
Bien  (Well/fine)
Así-así  (so-so)
Más o menos  (so-so)
No muy bien  (Not very well)
Mal  (Bad)

por favor:  please
gracias:  thank you
de nada:  you're welcome

Week of 9/17: This week, we will review the classroom instructions/motions from last week, & practice other greetings.  We will also read Buenas noches, Luna (Good Night, Moon).

Buenos días:  Good morning.
Buenas tardes: Good afternoon.
Buenas noches: Good night/evening.
Hola: Hello/Hi
Adiós: Goodbye

Week of 9/10: This week, we will learn some classroom instructions & how to respond:

Escuchen (Listen): put hand behind ear
Miren (Look): look at teacher
Levanten la mano (Raise your hand)
Levántense (Stand up)
Siéntense (Sit down)
Repitan (Repeat)

Week of 9/3: This week, we will have our first Spanish class of the year!  We will learn the greetings: ¡Buenos días, Señorita Purdy!  (Good morning, Miss Purdy!) and Hola (hello)

This is our opening song: (repeating each line, to tune of "Are you Sleeping?")
Buenos días
¿Cómo estás?
Muy bien, gracias.
¿Y usted?

Meaning: Good morning, How are you? Very well, thank you.  And you?

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