eLearning for Friday, May 29, 2020  Last Day of School!

Riddle for the day: What do cowboys like on their salad?

10am Zoom: Please print out and bring the rough draft for the wanted poster that was emailed to your parents. We will work on this together during our Zoom; don’t fill it out before you come.

**Have you turned in your third grade advice letter?****


1. Watch the lesson on Pentecost here, pages 245 and 246:


2. Say a decade of the Rosary.

3. Watch 8:30 or 12:00 Mass: https://www.stjamescatholic.org/current-events/livestreamed-masses

Optional Pentecost Video: https://safeYouTube.net/w/LOYH

Optional Play: See attached. This could be a play or a puppet show!

Time Capsule:

During the first few days of school we created individual time capsules which I stored in the closet. You will be getting them back on Friday, June 5 when you come to get your bag of goodies from school. Go ahead and complete the following handouts and keep them in a safe place so you can compare them with those you completed in August.

          1. Write the Angel of God Prayer in cursive.

          2. Complete the handout with 100 multiplication tables.

          3. Label the 50 US states.

          4. Trace your foot and cut it out to see how you grew.

See how hard you worked this year!

Read Aloud: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/shore-road-chp-15-and-16/55283061/?s=B7Jt4B&ref=appemail

Riddle Answer: Ranch dressing J





eLearning for Thursday, May 28, 2020

Riddle for the day: Why did the cowboy get so many laughs?

10am ZOOM-Come share your wagon and horse. Also, bring a pencil and a plain white piece of paper without lines.


1. Watch the lesson for Chp. 23 here: Chp. 23, Part 2

2. In the very back of your religion book, go ahead and pop out the stain glass window that has Chp. 23 written on top of it. You can keep it near you, maybe on your bedside table, to remind you that Jesus loves the little children.

3. Pray a decade of the Rosary.

20 Jumping Jacks- Get your parents to do it with you!


1. Complete Unit 6 review pages 228-231 in your grammar workbook.

2. Check your answers here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-unit-6-test/55260089/?s=EefYnz&ref=appemail

20 Jumping Jacks

Spelling: Optional: Complete the Cowboy Word Search.



1. Watch the lesson on symmetry and mirror image: Mirror Image

2. Complete the cowboy boot mirror image worksheet and email to me.

3. Complete the Cowboy Math worksheet and email to me.

20 Jumping Jacks

Science: Brain Pop – Sun Protection

Please click on the following link: https://www.brainpop.com/health/personalhealth/sunprotection/
Watch the Movie. To see what you remember about sun protection take the Review or Graded test in the Quiz Section. You do not need to email the results to me.  Thank you.

1.OPTIONAL - Why should you wear sunscreen? (body science for kids) (You Tube Video)  To find the answer to this question watch this video:

2. OPTIONAL – The Great Sunscreen Experiment
Learn how sunscreen works to protect your skin from the sun by using this website:
***With your parents’ permission do this experiment.  If you try this please send me an email (pconrad@saintjamesschool.org) or write in your copybook explaining what happened.  Have Fun!!!

Read Aloud:  Shore Road, Chapters 13 and 14: Chps. 13 and 14

Riddle Answer: Because he was always horsing around



eLearning for Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Howdy partner! Welcome to Cowboy Week!

**10am Zoom today to finish the Western State PPT presentations

Riddle for Cowboy Week: Why did the cowboy ride his horse?

Giddy up over here and create your own horse to start the day: Yeehaw! Horse Instructions


1. Watch the lesson here for chp. 23: Chp. 23, Part 1

2. Pray a decade of the Rosary.

Lang Arts:

1. Watch Grammar Lesson 50 here: Lesson 50

2. Check your answers to pages 224-226 here: pages 224-226

3. Write a letter to a third grader for next year.  The instructions will be attached to the email to your parents. This is due this Friday, May 29.


1. Read the document sent to your parents with the cowboy vocabulary. The vocabulary is needed to understand the story.

2. Listen to the story Cowboys and Cowgirls, Yippee-Yay!: Yippee- Yay!

3. Follow these instructions to create a wagon: Wagon Instructions

4. Optional: Watch this about the chuck wagon on the trail:

National Cowboy Museum-Chuck Wagons

Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of the page to see additional information and videos about the American cowboy.


Answer the 8 problems and then email me the answers with your work shown. This will be emailed to your parents.

Read aloud: Shore Road, Chp. 12: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/shore-road-chp-12/55203550/?s=rfYHdX&ref=appemail

Riddle Answer: It was too heavy to carry!



eLearning for Thursday, May 21, 2020

Happy Birthday, Drew!!!

Riddle: What do you call a Bear without an ear?


1. Take the Chp. 22 Test that was emailed to your parents. Then scan it and email it back to me

2. It is 40 days after Easter today so we celebrate

Ascension Thursday, when Jesus entered into his Father’s presence in heaven.

 Optional: Here is craft project you could do to celebrate the Ascension: Ascension Thursday Craft

20 Sit Ups


1. Watch Lesson 49 on Words Often Misspelled: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-49-pages-220-222/55082660/?s=qzKkHa&ref=appemail

2. Check your answers here for pages 220-222: Lesson 49 Answers

20 Sit Ups


1. Watch the lesson here for dividing with two digit quotients with remainders, Lessons 11.4 and 11.5:https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-lessons-11-3-and-11-4-two-digit-quotients/55086426/?s=NtB4gG&ref=appemail

2. Complete pages 139 and 140 and check your answers here: Answers p. 139 and 140

3. Are you looking for additional practice? Do you want some problems to practice over the weekend? https://www.math-drills.com/division/division_long_1dd2dq_nr_005.php

Optional: Challenge problems with answers: https://www.math-drills.com/division/division_long_1dd3dq_nr_001.php

20 Sit Ups

Social Studies:

1. Take the Western capitals and abbreviation test that was sent to your parents. Your answers should be written on the paper and not typed into the computer.

2. 10:00 Zoom Meeting to present state PowerPoints. A link to join the meeting will be emailed to your parents.

3. Enjoy a slideshow about the West from Mrs. Prahm: Mrs. Prahm's Western Adventure

20 Sit Ups


1. Moby Max – Electrical Energy
Please complete only the next section: Currents and Circuits. (**Read this section carefully. In class we talked about electrons moving from negative to positive, and here they say, in an electric circuit, scientists show electric current moving positive to negative. Both are correct.)


Saturday, May 23rd at 11:00 AM, Smithsonian Science How is hosting a Video webinar for Families. Two of the world’s top paleoartists, Bob Walters and Tess Kissinger, will teach you how to sketch your own dinosaur drawings!  This program is the third and last of three drawing programs, with each week featuring a different dinosaur.     Register here: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/events/video-webinar-families-natural-history-home 

Learn how to make crystals with a few common items by using this website: https://saltandvinegarcrystals.weebly.com/
***With your parents’ permission make some crystals.  If you try this please send me an email (pconrad@saintjamesschool.org) or write in your copybook explaining what happened.  Have Fun!!!

Please go online to gonoodle.com.
Open Categories > Sensory Motor Skills > Cross Lateral Skills > Electricity. Enjoy an upper body workout!

Read Aloud: Shore Road, Chp. 11: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/shore-road-chp-11/55079694/?s=S3c6C1&ref=appemail

Riddle Answer: B (b-ear without ear)·     

  Don’t forget to get two toilet paper rolls that you will need for some crafts next week.



eLearning for Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Riddle: Watch can you catch but not throw?

Spanish: 9:00 Zoom meeting. An email with information to login on was sent to your parents.



1. Watch this lesson for Chp. 22: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/religion-chp-22-part-2/55059583/?s=Y8A0bF&ref=appemail

2. Play the online game on ChristourLife: https://isr.loyolapress.com/col_g3_s22

3. Read over the Study guide for the chapter to prepare for the test on Thursday:


20 second wall sit


1. Watch the lesson about rules of spelling: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-48-pages-216-218/55056146/?s=XzPNap&ref=appemail

2. Complete pages 216-218 and check your answers here: Lesson 48 Answers

20 second wall sit


1. Login to Spellingcity and play a game to practice your Western state capitals for the test on Thursday.

20 second wall sit


1. Watch the lesson here: 11.3

2. Complete workbook p. 138 and check your answers here: p. 138

Need more practice? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGMf314LUc0

Optional: Are you looking for additional practice? Click here for additional problems and answers: https://www.math-drills.com/division/division_long_1dd2dd_r_001.php

Social Studies:

1. Practice your state abbreviations and capitals for the test on Thursday. You can use quizlet if that works for you: https://quizlet.com/subject/stjthird/.  This link should take you right to our page and then scroll down for the Western states. Alternatively, you can just go to quizlet.com and enter stjthird in the search bar; there is no login needed.

2. Read pages 308-313 in Lesson 3 and answer questions 1-5.

3. Watch here for the review of this lesson: Lesson 3 Review

4. State PowerPoints are due on Thursday. Email to me as soon as you are done so I have it for the Zoom on Thursday.

Please save 2 empty toilet paper rolls for a project for next week.

Read aloud: Shore Road, Chp. 10 https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/shore-road-chp-10/55063435/?s=en9Q7B&ref=appemail

Riddle Answer: A cold


eLearning for Monday, May 18, 2020

Riddle: Where does today come before yesterday?


1. Watch the lesson here: Chp. 22, Part 1

2. Say a decade of the Rosary.

30 second plank


1. Watch the lesson on using quotation marks: Lesson 47

2. Check your answers here: pages 212-124

30 second plank


1. Write in your copybook all 11 capitals and abbreviations, 2x. The capitals should be written in cursive while the abbreviations should be printed.

2. Login to Spellingcity and play at least one game to practice the spelling of the capitals for the Western states.

30 second plank

Math: Aim- Identify the remainder in a division problem.

1. Watch the Lesson on division:https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-lessons-11-1-and-11-2-second-try/55006387/?s=jvkyBs&ref=appemail

2. Check your math workbook pages 136 and 137:https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-answer-p-136-and-137-division-sense/55011303/?s=iPaLMa&ref=appemail

30 second plank

Social Studies:

1. Watch the lesson on the abbreviations and caps for the Western states: Caps and Abbs

2. Read along with Lesson 2 here: Lesson 2

3. Optional: Do you want to learn how the sled dogs and rangers in Denali National Park work together to protect the wilderness?  Click here: https://www.nps.gov/dena/planyourvisit/kennels.htm

30 second plank

Read Aloud: Shore Road

Riddle Answer: The dictionary



eLearning for Friday, May 15, 2020

Riddle: If there are four sheep, two dogs, and a shepherd, how many feet are there?


1. Watch the Mass at either 8:30 or 12:00: https://www.stjamescatholic.org/

2. Say a decade of the Rosary.

3. Complete the Chp. 21 Religion test and email me a copy.


1. Watch the lesson: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-10-9-lesson-regroup-twice/54949855/?s=iVBI6q&ref=appemail

2. Complete wkbk p.  133, odd numbers only and check your answers here: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwHNMbfPRJrnJJdGTTZLZGRqJNq

3. Complete the math test for chp. 10 making sure you show all regrouping, then scan and email me a copy of your test.

4. Optional Fun Math: https://www.math-drills.com/multiplication2/multiplication_long_no_tseparator_0701_001.php

Social Studies:

1. Look over your map of the West or play the online game for a few minutes to review the states: https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3139

2. Take the Western states map test and email me a copy. Please pay attention to capitalization and spelling.

Next week- Test on the Western state capitals and abbreviations



Saturday, May 16th at 11:00 AM, Smithsonian Science How is hosting a Video webinar for Families. Two of the world’s top paleoartists, Bob Walters and Tess Kissinger, will teach you how to sketch your own dinosaur drawings!  This program is the second of three drawing programs, with each week featuring a different dinosaur.     Register here: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/events/video-webinar-families-natural-history-home 


Please go online to Brain Pop.
Open Science > Energy > Electric Circuits > Games.
In the Games section open Game Up (6) > Circuit Construction Kit: DC.
Have fun building circuits!


Learn how to make an electroscope and test for the presence of static electricity by using this website:
***With your parents’ permission make and use an electroscope.  If you try this please send me an email (pconrad@saintjamesschool.org) or write in your copybook explaining what happened.  Have Fun!!!


Read Aloud: Shore Road, Chp. 8

Riddle Answer: Two. Sheep have hooves; dogs have paws; people have feet.



eLearning for Thursday, May 14, 2020

Riddle: I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth but water kills me. What am I?


1. Watch this for Chp. 21: Chp. 21(The video says chp. 20 at the end, but this is for chp. 21, not 20)

2. Play the online game to review for the test tomorrow for Chp. 21: online game and read the study guide to prepare for the test: https:Study Guide, chp. 21

3. Watch the May Procession online; the link for that will be emailed to parents.

10 Sit Ups

Grammar: Aim- Understand the procedure for writing a letter

1. Watch this on Lesson 46: Lesson 46

2. Complete pages 208-210 and check your answers here: 208-210

10 Sit Ups


1. Review the vocabulary for our reading selection for The Story of the Statue of Liberty. You can do this by logging onto Pearson, and you will see the Vocabulary Activities assignment.

2. Take the Reading test online with Pearson or complete the hard copy that was emailed to your parents and scan the completed test and email it to me. If you are completing the hard copy of the test, make sure you only complete pages 151-154 of the test.

10 Sit Ups

Math: Aim: Regroup in Multiplication

1. Watch the lesson on Multiplying: Multiplication with Regrouping

2. Complete p. 132 in the workbook and check your answers here: p. 132

3. Optional Worksheet with answers: Math Option- You can do it!!

10 Sit Ups

Social Studies:

1. Watch the lesson for pages 297-299: West, Lesson 1, Part 2

2. If you want to watch the geyser, Old Faithful, erupt, click here and see the webcam: Webcam for Old Faithful

3. Click here for United States Geological Survey site and the interactive earthquake map I showed in my lesson : USGS Earthquakes

Definitely give yourself some time to explore this site. Do you see how most of the earthquakes are relatively close to the fault lines?

Do you want to be an earthquake scientist? Learn more about it here:

Info about an Earthquake Scientist

4. Study for the Western map test tomorrow: Practice identifying the Western states

Login to Spellingcity to practice spelling the names of the Western states. Spelling will count for the test tomorrow.

10 Sit Ups


v Brain Pop: Please go online to Brain Pop.

Open: Science > Energy>  Electric Circuits.

Watch the Movie. In the Quiz section complete the Review (not

graded), then Graded (for a grade). **Remember to email your results

on the Graded section to me. (Complete name, my email –

pconrad@saintjamesschool.org, Grade 3). Thank you.

10 Sit Ups

Read Aloud: Shore Road Chp. 7

Riddle Answer: Fire



eLearning for Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Riddle: What has ears but cannot hear?


1. Watch this lesson: Chp. 20, Part 1l

2. Pray a decade of the Rosary.

10 Jumping Jacks

Grammar: Aim- Identify where to put commas in a series

1. Watch Lesson 45 here: Lesson 45, Commas in a Series

2. Check your answers here: Lesson 45 Answers

10 Jumping Jacks


1. Take the test on Spellingcity for the Story of the Statue of Liberty.

2. Use Spellingcity to practice the spelling of your Western states for the test on Friday.

10 Jumping Jacks


1. Watch the lesson on graphic sources here: Graphic Sources

2. Complete p. 395 in the workbook.

3. Play the Fact and Opinion game online to prepare for the test on Thursday:

Fact and Opinion Game

10 Jumping Jacks

Math: Aim- Multiplying 3 digits x 1 digit

1. Watch the lesson on multiplying with 3 digits: Lesson 10.7

2. Complete p. 131 in the math workbook and check your answers here: p. 131

3. Optional: Do you want to practice multiplying 3 digits x 1 digit with regrouping? Click below and then check your answers on the site as well: Extra Practice

10 Jumping Jacks

Social Studies:

1. Watch part 1 of Lesson 1 here: Lesson 1

2. Take a virtual tour of Denali National Park in Alaska: https://www.nps.gov/dena/learn/photosmultimedia/virtual-tours.htm3. Optional: You can click on the links on this site to learn more about the history, animals and plants in Rocky National Park: Rocky Mountain National Park

Read Aloud: Shore Road, Chp. 6: Shore Road, chp. 6

Riddle Answer: A cornfield



eLearning for Monday, May 11, 2020

Riddle:  What’s the strongest sea creature in the ocean?


1. Watch this for chp. 20 review: Chp. 20 Review

2. Play the online game for chp. 20 online: Online game

3. Take the Chp. 20 Test that was emailed to your parents and scan and email me your completed copy. This is for a grade.

30 second plank

Grammar: Aim- Understand how to properly write book titles.

1. Watch this on Lesson 44: Lesson 44

2. Check your answers for pages 200-202 here: Lesson 44 Answers

30 second plank

Spelling: Aim- Master the spelling words for the spelling test tomorrow.

1. Take a practice test in your planner for the spelling words from The Story of the Statue of Liberty: few, school, true, goose, fruit, cookie, cushion, noodle, bookmark, balloon, suit, chew, glue, Tuesday, bushel

2. In Reading workbook complete p. 394, and check your answers here: Answers p. 394

3. Login to Spellingcity and do some of the practice games to prepare for the test. The assignment is called Statue of Liberty Practice.

30 second plank


1. Watch this lesson on prefixes: Prefixes

2. Complete workbook pages 392 and 393 and check your answers here: Answers pages 392-393

3. Play the Rags to Riches game  for prefixes on Quia: https://www.quia.com/rr/311269.html

4. Optional: Do you want to learn more about Ellis Island and take a virtual tour?

Click here: Scholastic: Immigration Tour of Ellis Island

Do you want to see if your ancestors arrived at Ellis Island? Click here to explore the passenger list:


30 second plank


1. Watch the lesson:

Lessons 10. 5 and 10.6, Multiplying with Regrouping

2. Complete workbook p. 129 and 130, odd only, ( This is different than what I said on the video) and you do NOT have to use rounding to estimate, just do the multiplication. Here are the answers for p. 129 https:Answers p. 129

Here are the answers for p. 130: Answers p. 130

Optional:  If you are looking for more practice or more difficult problems, click here and print off the worksheet then check your answers:

Math Drills Worksheet

30 second plank

Social Studies:

1. Login to Pearson and watch the introductory video of the West: MyStory Video: San Diego: The City by the Sea

2. Watch here about memorizing the names of the Western states:

Western States Map Strategies

3. Play the Western map identification game: Online Map Game

4. Optional: Use Spellingcity,  list Western states and practice spelling the state names for the map test on Friday, not Thursday.

Read Aloud: Shore Road, Chp. 5: Shore Road Chp. 5

Riddle Answer: The mussel



eLearning for Friday, May 8, 2020

Riddle: What begins with an E but only has one letter in it?


1. Watch the Friday Mass here at either 8:30 or 12:

Mass Live Stream

2. Say a decade of the Rosary.

3. Watch this lesson: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/religion-chp-20-part-2/54685704/?s=XeUjom&ref=appemail

10 Jumping Jacks

Language Arts:

§  Listen to  the 2 dictation sentences here:

First 2 Dictation Sentences

and here for sentence #3: 3rd Dictation Sentence

Take a photo of the 3 sentences and send to me. This is for a grade.

10 Jumping Jacks


1. Watch this: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-10-3-multiply-two-digits/54683815/?s=niqr96&ref=appemail

2. Complete p. 127 in your workbook and check your answers here:


If needed: Please do Reflex every day if you are struggling with your math facts! Don’t wait for your parents to tell you to do it. Do it on your own because you want to do well and have some fun with the long multiplication.

10 Jumping Jacks


Go online to dandelionbouquetsdotcom. wordpress .com/2015/02/24
Please read over Super Cool Melting Ice Experiment.
***With your parents’ permission do this experiment.  If you try this please send me an email (pconrad@saintjamesschool.org) or write in your copybook explaining what happened. Have fun!!!
Please go online to Whiz Kid Science
Type in Easy Kids Science Experiments – Balloon Blow Up (There are a lot of videos. Select the Whiz Kid Science video to watch.)
***With your parents’ permission do this experiment.  If you try this please send me an email (pconrad@saintjamesschool.org) or write in your copybook explaining what happened.  Have Fun!!!


Saturday, May 9th at 11:00 AM, Smithsonian Science How is hosting a Video webinar for Families. Two of the world’s top paleoartists, Bob Walters and Tess Kissinger, will teach you how to sketch your own dinosaur drawings!  This program is the first of three drawing programs, with each week featuring a different dinosaur.     Register here: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/events/video-webinar-families-natural-history-home 

Social Studies: Join the Zoom meeting tomorrow at 10:00 am. We will be picking states for our last state report which will be a PowerPoint. More info to follow


Riddle Answer: An envelope




eLearning for Thursday, May 7, 2020

Riddle: What has a thumb and four fingers and is not alive?


1. Watch this for chp. 20: Chp. 20

2. Say a decade of the Rosary.

30 second plank


1. Watch this: Lesson 43

2. Complete pages 196 to 198 and check your answers here:

Grammar 196-198 Answers

30 second plank


1. Login to Pearson:

            *Read The Story of the Statue of Liberty.

            *Watch the video on Grammar Jammer: Capitalization

2.  In the reading workbook complete p. 389 and check it here: Reading workbook p. 389

3. Watch this on fact and opinion: Fact and Opinion

4. Go to Quia and play the game to practice fact and opinion:  QUIA

30 second plank


1. Write all 20 spelling word in ABC order in cursive. Scan this and email me a copy. This is for a grade.

30 second plank

Math: Aim- To use basic facts and patterns of zero to multiply tens, hundreds, and thousands mentally.

1. Watch this lesson on multiplication patterns: Lesson 10.1

2. Complete p. 125 in your math workbook and check your answers here: p. 125 Answers

30 second plank

 Social Studies:

1. Using the Western US map that was emailed to your parents, identify and color each state and email me back a picture of your map. This is for a grade.

2. Complete the Western caps and abb worksheet and scan and email me a picture of this worksheet.  This is for a grade and spelling does count.

30 second plank


Please go online to Brain Pop.
Open the Science Section > Energy > Static Electricity.
Watch the Movie. In the Quiz Section first complete the Review (Not Graded), then complete Graded (For A Grade) ** Remember to email your results on the Graded section to me. (Complete name, my email - pconrad@saintjamesschool.org, Grade 3) Thank you.

Read Aloud, The Shore Road Mystery, Chp. 4:Shore Road, Chp. 4

Riddle Answer: A glove



eLearning for Tuesday, May 5

Riddle: Why would a man living in New York not be buried in Chicago?


1. Complete the Open Book Unit 4 Test for religion that was emailed to your parents.

2. Pray a decade of the Rosary.

3. Put it on your calendar for tomorrow: Bishop Burbidge will have a Mass for all the diocesan schools at 10 on Wed, May 6. The link for this Mass can be found here:


10 Sit ups


1. Watch this lesson on Capitalization: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-42-p-192-194/54517383/?s=jpnhjn&ref=appemail

2. Check your answer for pages 192-194 here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-42-answers/54517629/?s=J6RLf2&ref=appemail

10 Sit ups


1. Write list words 11-20, 2x each in cursive in copybook: suit, chew, glue, Tuesday, bushel, bamboo, mildew, soothe, barefoot, renewal.

2. In wkbk complete p. 390.

10 Sit ups


1. Login to Pearson and complete the Vocabulary Activities for The Story of the Statue of Liberty, Vocabulary Cards and Timed Trivia. This is fun and is a great introduction for the vocabulary words for the week.

2. In workbook complete 387 and 388 and check your answers here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/reading-workbook-pages-387-388/54518662/?s=zRXusN&ref=appemail

3. Watch this about the Amazing Words for this story and listen to the story, Let Freedom Ring: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/reading-amazing-words-statue-of-liberty/54521225/?s=9KSTiY&ref=appemail

10 Sit ups


1. Login to Mobymax and complete the Fraction test for the end of chp. 12. Remember to use a forward slash to show a fraction. For example: ¾. This is for a grade.

2. Do Reflex until you get the green light.

10 Sit ups

Social Studies:

1. Watch this for Lesson 5 of the Southwest: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/ss-sw-lesson-5/54534010/?s=V7P3As&ref=appemail

2. Login to Mobymax and take the Southwest end test. This is for a grade.

 Read Aloud, The Shore Road Mystery: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/shore-road-chp-3/54532202/?s=OAL7op&ref=appemail

Riddle Answer: Because he is still living






eLearning for  Monday, May 4

Riddle: How do make a poisonous snake cry?


1. Watch this: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/religion-pages-170-172-end-of-unit-4/54455149/?s=WnMghn&ref=appemail

2. Play Stump the Shepherd for Unit 4 on Christ Our Life and study for the Unit 4 test tomorrow: Stump the Shepherd

3. Pray a decade of the Rosary

30 second wall sit

Language Arts:

1. Watch this: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-41-caps-punct-spelling/54454966/?s=oAc6aj&ref=appemail

2.  Check your answers here:https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/gramma-answer-to-lesson-41/54454987/?s=QXkTCn&ref=appemail

30 second wall sit

Reading: The Story of the Statue of Liberty; Skill: Fact and Opinion

1. Watch the big question video for Unit 6:


2. Login to Pearson and watch:

·        Concept Talk Video

·        Envision It: Fact and Opinion Video

3. Watch Brainpop, Jr: https://jr.brainpop.com/readingandwriting/readingskills/factsandopinions/ and take the easy quiz at the end to practice.

4. Complete Workbook p. 386 in the wkbk and check it here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/reading-workbook-answers-p-386/54453144/?s=rFewrg&ref=appemail

30 second wall sit


1. Write list words 1-10, 2x each in hw cb in cursive: few, school, true, goose, fruit, cookie, cushion, noodle, bookmark, balloon

2. Complete p. 385 in your reading workbook and check it here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/reading-workbook-p-385-answers/54452343/?s=glPnnK&ref=appemail

3. Optional: Login to Spellingcity and practice the spelling words for the week.

30 second wall sit


1. Watch this to review for the Chp. 12 Fractions test: Fractions Review

2. Optional, Login to Mobymax, click on the books on the top left, then click on math. There should be 4 different review subjects for you to practice your fraction knowledge. https://www.mobymax.com/signin This is not for a grade.

30 second wall sit

Social Studies:

1. Turn to p. 274 in your SS book and follow along here: Lesson 4


·         To learn more about the Alamo, click here: The Alamo

·        To learn more about the Mexican –American War, click here: https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/hispanicheritage/mexicanamericanwar/

Read Aloud, The Shore Road Mystery, Chp. 2: Chp. 2

Riddle Answer: You take away its rattle.



eLearning for Friday, May 1, 2020

Riddle: What has hands but doesn’t clap?


1. Watch Mass here: https://www.stjamescatholic.org/current-events/livestreamed-masses

2. Pray a decade of the Rosary.

3. Watch this lesson on pages 167-169 in your religion book: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/religion-pages-167-169/54394926/?s=V6wh5I&ref=appemail

10 Jumping Jacks


1. Complete the following pages in your grammar workbook and email me a copy. This is for a grade: pages 184-187.

2. Take the dictation test and email me a photo of the 3 sentences. This is for a grade:


10 Jumping Jacks


1. Complete Reflex until you get the green light. This is for everyone even if you are at 100% mastery. Next week we will be starting the long multiplication and you need to have instant recall of the facts.

2. Watch this on adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators:


3. Complete workbook pages 151 and 152 and check your answers here:

Answers 151 and 152

3. Optional: I know many of you would ask what happens if you need to add or subtract fractions with unlike denominators, or also called unlike fractions:

·        Watch these with your parent’s permission:

                Math Antics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZEmFSP3Z0I

                Brainpop:       https://www.brainpop.com/math/numbersandoperations/addingandsubtractingfractions/

·        You can check your understanding of this by completing this worksheet and correcting it: Worksheet, Adding Unlike Denonimators

10 Jumping Jacks


Investigate Density
Go online to Whiz Kid Science – density
Open and watch Salt Water Density Tower – Easy Kids Science
***With your parents’ permission create your own salt water density tower. If you do try this please send me an email (pconrad@saintjamesschool.org) or write in your copybook explaining what happened.  Have Fun!!!

2. OPTIONAL – Go Noodle- Think Like A Scientist
Please go online to gonoodle.com.
Open Categories > Science > Think Like A Scientist. (Guided Dance)
If you get to watch this, in your copybook list the 5 parts of the Scientific Method that they mentioned.

Read Aloud: The Shore Road Mystery, Chp. 1:Shore Road, Chp. 1


Riddle Answer: A clock



eLearning for Thursday, April 30, 2020

Happy Birthday, Lucy!!! (for April 29!!)

Riddle of the Day: What has a bottom at the top?


1. Watch this: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/religion-cp-19-pages-165-166/54314821/?s=tsl4ti&ref=appemail

2. Pray a decade of the Rosary.

30 second plank

Grammar: Aim- Review Unit 5 for the test tomorrow.

1. Watch this: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-review-unit-5/54321672/?s=kQtHjy&ref=appemail

2. Go to the Sadlier website: https://www.sadlierconnect.com/, click on the purple box on the lower right, Student and Family Resources, Grammar Workshop grades 3-5, then green Grammar Workbook, Unit 5. The games are at the bottom of the page and you can play them for each of the lessons, but you may skip Lesson 39.

30 second plank


Login to the Pearson site and take the test for Saturdays y domingos.  A paper copy has been emailed to your parents in case you prefer to take the test that way. Just make sure you scan your completed test and email it to me.

30 second plank

Math: Aim- understand how to write mixed numbers, pinpoint their value on a number line and be able to write them.

1. Watch this: Brainpop Mixed Numbers

2. Watch this: Lesson 12.7

3. Check your answers here for p. 150: Wkbk p. 150

4. Optional: At the end of my lesson, I did a quick lesson on turning improper fractions into mixed numbers, and I also discussed this in class earlier this year. If you want to practice this skill on your own, click here for the worksheet and to check your work: Improper Fraction Worksheet and Answers

30 second plank

Social Studies:

1. Watch this for Lesson 3 of the SW: Lesson 3 and complete answers 1-5 on pages 268-273.

2. Optional:

To read more about Father Kino, the Padre on Horseback, click here: Father Kino

To read more about the San Jose Mission, click here:

National Park Service: Missions

30 second plank


1. Please go online to Brain Pop
Open the Science Section > Energy > Electricity
Watch the Movie. In the Quiz Section first complete the Review (Not Graded), then complete Graded (For A Grade) ** Remember to email your results on the Graded section to me. (Complete name, my email - pconrad@saintjamesschool.org, Grade 3)

Read Aloud: Ivan, Day 14, THE END

Riddle Answer: Your legs



eLearning for Tuesday, April 27, 2020

Riddle: What has a neck but no head?


1. Take the Chp. 18 Test and email me a copy. This is for a grade.

2. Say a decade of the Rosary.

20 second wall sit


1. Watch this for Lesson 40: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-40-pages-180-182/54208290/?s=e5PCny&ref=appemail

2. Check your answers here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-answer-is-lesson-40/54208465/?s=R5KHRL&ref=appemail

20 second wall sit



1. Login to Spellingcity and take your spelling test on Homophones that went with the story Saturdays y domingos.

20 second wall sit


1. Practice your vocabulary for this unit on Spellingcity.

Play Match It and Practice Vocabulary Test. Both of these will help you in the reading test tomorrow.

2. In Pearson, read pages 250-251, the paired selection: Communities Celebrate Culture.

3. In your copybook or journal, write 3-5 sentences about a tradition you have in your family. Take a picture or this paragraph and email it to me. Please pay attention to proper sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation. This will be for a grade.

20 second wall sit


1. Watch this: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-12-6/54207665/?s=qbUvrR&ref=appemail

2. Check your answers here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-answers-for-12-6-p-149/54213325/?s=wXjHok&ref=appemail

20 second wall sit

Social Studies:

1. Follow along in your book for pages 262-267: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/social-studies-sw-lesson-2-climate/54215469/?s=QgEPCP&ref=appemail

2. If you want to learn more about tornadoes, click here:


20 second wall sit

Spanish: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/4-28-20-tuesday-lesson-23-page-90/54216701/?s=CluDER&ref=appemail

Read aloud: Ivan, Day 13

Riddle Answer: A bottle



eLearning for Monday, April  27, 2020

Happy Birthday to Joseph!!

Riddle: When things go wrong, what can you always count on?


1. Watch this and follow along in your religion book on pages 161-162: chp. 18

2. Read the play Lily of the Mohawks that was emailed to your parents.

3. Study Chp. 18 and complete the online review to prepare for the test tomorrow: https://isr.loyolapress.com/col_g3_s18

Optional: Draw St. Kateri-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrggRyUzZvw

Here is my St. Kateri Drawing: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/st-kateri-drawing/54143655/?s=YBI0ME&ref=appemail

10 Jumping Jacks


1. Watch this and complete pages 172-174 in your grammar workbook, answers are included at the end: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-38/54085948/?s=8x9Zpf&ref=appemail

10 Jumping Jacks


1. Complete p. 336 in Reading Workbook and check here:


2. Study for the spelling test tomorrow; take a practice test in your planner.

10 Jumping Jacks


1. Complete p. 335 in Reading workbook. This is for a grade for SS so take a photo of the page after you have completed it and send it to me.

2. Complete p. 337 in Reading workbook and check your answers here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/reading-workbook-answers-to-p-337/54111221/?s=pIhZK1&ref=appemail

Optional: The skill for Thursday’s reading test is Main idea and details. If you want to practice the skill, there is an assignment for you in Mobymax under Reading Skills and Literature. After your sign into Mobymax, you would click on the pile of books in the top left corner then Reading Skills Literature.  The assessment is called Recounting and Main event and is not for a grade.

10 Jumping Jacks

Math: Aim- Compare and Order Fractions

1. Watch this for Lesson 12. 5: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-12-5-lesson/54112333/?s=35uMST&ref=appemail

You can use your paper fractions strip or the online strips to follow along. Here is the link for Sadlier math for their online fraction strips:


2. Complete math workbook p. 148 and check your answers here:


10 Jumping Jacks

Social Studies:

1. Watch the lesson for pages 257-259 in your book:
pages 257-259

2. Make sure you have answered 3, 4, 5, and 6.

3. Optional: If you want to learn more about copper, click here:


Read aloud: Ivan, Day 12

Riddle Answer: Your fingers



eLearning for Friday, April 24, 2020

Riddle: Can you write down 8 eights so they add up to one thousand?


1. Watch the 8:30 or 12:00 Mass: https://www.stjamescatholic.org/current-events/livestreamed-masses

2. Pray a decade of the Rosary. On Fridays you focus on the Sorrowful Mysteries.

3. Read pages 159-160 in your workbook and answer Special Messages for You, and color in p. 160: Discover the Special Words.

4. Optional: Use the 4 Marks of the Church handout that was emailed to your parents. Watch here:


20 Sit-ups

Lang Arts:

1. Grammar Lesson 37, Watch here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-37/54020529/?s=4dnr8I&ref=appemail and complete pages 168, 169 and 171.

2. Check your answers to Lesson 37 here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-answers-to-lesson-37/54020716/?s=Xmaaic&ref=appemail

3. In cursive write the 3 dictation sentences and then email me a copy of them. This is for a grade.https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/dictation-for-april-24/54015739/?s=m3XyVB&ref=appemail

20 Sit-ups

Math- Reflexmath: https://www.reflexmath.com/

20 Sit-ups

Social Studies- Finish Grand Canyon handout and email the completed pages.

20 Sit-ups


1.OPTIONAL: (EXTRA PEEPS?)  Investigate – Family Fun
Please go online to Science Buddies.
Open Science Projects (** in 2 places).
In the Search bar type in Peep Science.
Open and watch the first link: Peep Science video.
** With your parents’ permission, if you have extra peeps, try some of the activities.  If you do try them please send me a short email (pconrad@saintjamesschool.org) to let me know how it turned out.  Or Write 2-3 sentences about the activities in your copybook. Have Fun!

2.OPTIONAL – Quizlet
Please go online to Quizlet.

Log In, then type in stjthird.

Click on stjthird Flashcards and Study Sets

Open the Science – Electricity (Study Set). Select an activity, or more, from the Study or Play sections to complete.

The One and Only Ivan, Read aloud, Day 11:


Riddle Answer: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.




eLearning for Thursday, April 23, 2020

Riddle for the Day: Who is that with a neck and no head, two arms and no hands?


1. Read along in your book with pages 157-158:

Chp. 18, pages 157-158

2. Pray a decade of the Rosary. On Thursdays we focus on the Luminous Mysteries.

Optional: You can go to this website and read about the Luminous Mysteries and print and color the pages.http://www.thecatholickid.com/luminous-mysteries-rosary-coloring-pages/

PLANK- 30 seconds.


1. Watch the lesson here: Lesson 36

2. Complete pages 164-167 in the workbook.

3. Check your answers here: Answers p. 164-167

PLANK- 30 seconds


1. Watch this educreations: Homophones

2. In Readers and Writer’s Notebook, complete pages 332 and 334 and check your answers here: pages 332-334

3. Login to Mobymax and complete the Homophones assessment. This is for a grade.

PLANK- 30 seconds


1. Watch this: Brainpop

2. Watch this on Estimating Fractions: Estimating Fractions

3. Complete workbook p. 146 and check here: p. 146

4. Watch this on Comparing Fractions: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/12-4-comparing-fractions-lesson/53972517/?s=UZzFFu&ref=appemail

5. Complete workbook p. 147 and check it here: p. 147

6. Login to Mobymax and complete your Fractions 12.1 to 12. 4 Assessment. This is for a grade.

PLANK- 30 seconds

Social Studies:

1. Review the SW map, states, capitals, and abbreviations. Place your map away in your working folder then take the SW map test that was emailed to you. This is for a grade. Scan or take a picture of your finished test and email it to me. Remember that spelling does count.

2. Open up to p. 254 and watch the lesson: Southwest, Lesson 1

3. Optional links for the Grand Canyon:

*Google Earth: Google Earth: Grand Canyon

* National Park Service: https://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm

4. Complete the Grand Canyon worksheet and scan and email to me. This is due on Friday for a grade.

PLANK- 30 seconds

Science: Moby Max (Electrical energy)
Please complete only the next section: Electric charges. (*Read over and listen to all information carefully.)

Read Aloud: Ivan, Read Aloud, Day 10

Riddle Answer: A shirt



eLearning for Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Riddle: I shave every day, but my beard stays the same.  What am I?


1. Watch the lesson: Chp. 17, 152-154

2. Do the online review: https://isr.loyolapress.com/col_g3_s17

3. Take the test for Chp. 17, then take a photo and email me your completed test. This test will be attached to the email and is for a grade.

High Knee March for 1 minute:

Stand in place with your feet hip-width apart. Drive your right knee toward your chest and quickly place it back on the ground. Follow immediately by driving your left knee toward your chest. Continue to alternate knees as quickly as you can.


1. Watch this: Grammar Lesson 35

2. Complete pages 160, 161, and 162 in grammar workbook.

3. Check your answers here: Answers for Grammar Lesson 35

High Knee March


1. Write your list words 12-20, 2x each in cr cb: write, right, new, knew, their, there, they’re, weather, whether.

2. In Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook complete p. 327.

3. Check your answers here:Reading workbook p. 327 Answers

High Knee March


1. Login into Pearson and do Vocabulary Activities: Vocabulary Cards

2. In Readers and Writer’s Notebook complete p. 330 and check here:

Answers p. 330

3. Watch this to review: Review lessons: Main idea and details, first person, comparative adjectives

4.  Complete pages 328, 329, 331 and check here:

Reading workbook pages 328, 329, 331

5. Before Friday- Read the story I Love Saturdays y domingos to someone out loud. This  should be online in your Pearson Work folder.

High Knee March

Math: Aim- Identify and Write Equivalent Fractions

1. Watch this Brainpop. Jr.: Brainpop: Equivalent Fractions

Optional: Take the Easy Quiz at the end of Brainpop.

2. Watch the lesson on equivalent fractions:

12.2 Equivalent Fractions

3. Complete p. 145 and check it here: Math answers p. 145

High Knee March

Social Studies- Study the capitals, abbreviations, map, and state names for the test on the four Southwest states on Thursday. Spelling will count, and this will be for a grade.

Optional: Practice your spelling on Spellingcity; there is a list there for the states and capitals if you want to practice with that website.



High Knee March

Read Aloud: The One and Only Ivan, Day 9

Riddle Answer: A barber



eLearning for Monday, April 20

Welcome Back!

On April 20, 1862, Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard came up with a process to prevent the spoilage of milk, wine and beer. Known today as pasteurization, the technique proved a means for redefining how the world looked at germs and their effects.

Do you drink pasteurized milk? What other foods at your house are pasteurized?

Click on the link for more information:


Riddle: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?


          1. Watch here and follow along on p.149:   Chp. 17, Day 1

            2. Watch here and follow along for pages 150 and 151:

            Chp. 17, Day 1, Part 2

            3. Pray a decade of the Rosary. It is a Monday so we would focus on the  Joyful Mysteries.

20 Jumping Jacks

Language Arts:

          1. Turn to p. 156 in grammar workbook and watch this:

          Grammar Lesson, Unit 5, Lesson 34

                2. Check your answers here: Grammar Answers to Lesson 34

20 Jumping Jacks


          1. Watch this Educreations about homophones: Homophones, Saturdays y domingos

          2. Write list words 1-11, 2x each in cursive in cr cb: to, too, two,  week, weak, road, rode, stair, stare, bear, bare.

20 Jumping Jacks


          1. Login to Pearson and complete the two assignments for I love Saturdays y domingos, Unit 5, Week 2, the reading story for the week:

                   * Concept Talk Video: How are cultures alike and different?

                   * Envision It! Animation: Main Idea and Details

          2. Watch this Educreations about the Amazing Words for the Week: Amazing Words

20 Jumping Jacks


          1. Watch this: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-12-1-fractions-p-386-387/53736003/?s=5JsCPi&ref=appemail

            2. Check your answers here:  https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-12-1-wkbk-p-144-answers/53750822/?s=Siwwkc&ref=appemail

20 Jumping Jacks

Social Studies-

          1. Login to Pearson and watch myStory video about the Southwest.

          2. Use the map of the Southwest that was emailed to your parents. Label each state with the state name, abbreviation and capital.  You  should then lightly color each of the states. If there is not enough room on each state to write the name, capital and abbreviation, you can use the space outside the map to write this information.

          3. Scan or take a picture of your Southwest map and email it to me.  The map is for a grade. Keep your map in a safe place so you have it to study for your SW test.

Read Aloud, Day 8: Ivan, Day 8

Riddle Answer: A River




eLearning for Wednesday, April 8

Happy Birthday,Sofia!


1.     You need your religion book and a Bible. Watch here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/religion-triumph-pages-241-and-242/53255217/?s=4Pt8c0&ref=appemail

2.     Create a cross with 2 sticks and yarn or twine, and write in your journal about your Lenten promise: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/religion-wed-april-8-part-2/53256431/?s=DTg9n1&ref=appemail

3.   Read or do the play with your family: Jesus Gave His Life for Us: A Play

This will be included in the email to your parents and posted under documents on my website.

4. Say a decade of the Rosary.

Read aloud, Ivan, Day 4: The One and Only Ivan, Day 4

Have a blessed Easter!


eLearning for April 7, 2020

On this day in history: On April 7, 2001, the Mars Odyssey Orbiter blasted off from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, kicking off a mission designed to hunt for water ice and study the Red Planet’s geology and radiation environment.

Want to learn more about the Mars Odyssey?  Click here.

Riddle of the day: I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish.  What am I?

Religion: Take the Chp. 16 Test. The test will be attached to the email sent for today’s work.  The test can also be found on my document page.

Grammar: In grammar workbook, complete pages 152- 155 and scan and email to me. This is for a grade. On p. 154, our normal procedure would be for you to edit each sentence. This is not necessary for this test, but you can still do the editing to make sure you have the correct answer. The editing marks will not be included in the grade.

Reading/ Spelling:

1.     Login to Spellingcity and take the 15 word spelling test for Suki’s Kimono, vowel pattern, CV/VC.

2.     Finish the reading test on Mobymax: Comparing and Contrasting Stories that was assigned yesterday.


            Login to Mobymax and take the test on Perimeter, Area and Volume.

Social Studies:

1.     Read page 237-239 and answer 4-6 in your book.

2.     Watch this and check your answers: pages 237-239


Want to see how John Deere machines get the job done? Click here.

Spanish: Lesson for April 7


1. Moby Max: Please complete only the Lesson Vocabulary Review (12 questions) and Lesson Test: Matter (3 short sections)

2. OPTIONAL (Very interesting!)

Investigate – Family Fun- Go Noodle
Please go online to gonoodle.com.
Click on Categories. 
In the Movement Type section, at the bottom of the page, click on Brainexercise.
Open and watch How to Make Ooblek.

***With your parents’ permission try making this solid/liquid.

****If you get the chance to make ooblek, please send me a short email, 2-3 sentences, (pconrad@saintjamesschool.org) letting me know how it turned out.  Have fun!

Read Aloud:Ivan, Day 3

Are you interested in drawing a gorilla? Maybe he would look just like Ivan. Here are 2 options. Please send me a copy of your work if you like, and I will share with the class.



Can you include the setting in the background of Ivan’s “domain”? You could go back and listen to the Read Aloud for days 1 and 2 and listen for clues about what his domain looked like in the story and include it in your drawing. I think I will try and draw a gorilla as well.

Here is a “Gorilla cam” from the Democratic Republic of the Congo: https://explore.org/livecams/grace-gorillas/gorilla-forest-corridor

Here is the “Live Ape Cam” from the San Diego Zoo: https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/cams/ape-cam

Riddle Answer: A map


eLearning for Monday, April 6, 2020

On this day in history:  America entered World War I.

On April 6, 1917 the U.S. officially declared war on Germany.

Read more about it here: US enters WW1

Riddle: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears.

I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?


1.     Watch this: Chp. 16, pages 145 and 146

2.     Pray a decade of the Rosary


1.     Watch this:Grammar: Negatives

2.     Complete grammar workbook pages 148-150

3.     Check your answers here: Grammar lesson 33 Answers

4.     Access Mobymax.com and complete the Identify Negatives Quiz. This is for a grade and is just 7 problems.


1.     Complete pages 325 and 326 in your reading workbook.

2.     Check your answers here: Workbook 325 and 326

3.     Take a practice test in your planner and study for the spelling test tomorrow.

4.     Sign on to Mobymax and take the following test:

Comparing and Contrasting Stories. Once you sign in, I believe it will be the last assignment on the list. Please have this finished by this Wednesday. This is for a grade.


1.     Watch this: Lesson 9. 12 Volume

2.     In math workbook complete p. 122

3.     Check your answers here: Math workbook answers p. 122


Create shapes and determine the volume here: (Very cool!)


Practice Perimeter and Area here: Practice Perimeter and Area

Social Studies:

1.      Read pages 234- 236 in SS book, Answer 1-3.

2.     Watch this: Midwest, Lesson 3, Part 1


Do you want to learn more about the Ojibwa and the wild rice? Click here: https://www.mpm.edu/content/wirp/ICW-36

Read Aloud: Ivan, Day 2

Riddle Answer: An echo




eLearning for Friday, April 3, 2020

ONLINE MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR 10:30 on Friday, April 3, 2020. Parents, please look for the upcoming invitation in your email.


1.     Attend Mass at either 8:30 or 12, https://www.stjamescatholic.org/current-events/livestreamed-masses. It is the first Friday of April so normally the monstrance would be on the altar after Mass. You can read about the First Friday devotions here: https://mycatholickids.com/first-friday-a-day-of-reparation/

2.     Say a decade of the Rosary.

Math- Reflexmath,  https://www.reflexmath.com/, until the green. You will be so happy you have these facts mastered as we move onto our next chapters in math.


Take out your classroom copybook and write down the 3 dictation sentences, and check them as well: Dictation # 2

Listen to our new book, The One and Only Ivan, (Day 1): https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/read-aloud-day-1-ivan/53025516/?s=uO5GW0&ref=appemail

Over the Weekend: Please pray a decade of the

Rosary on both days.


ELearning for Thursday, April 2, 2020

Riddle: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?


1.     Watch and listen: Chp. 16 cont.

2.     Say a decade of the Rosary


1.     Listen and then complete pages 146 and 147:

Lesson 32, part 2

2.     Check your answers here:Lesson 32, Part 2 Answers


1.     Login to Pearson and Read aloud the paired selection:

Clothes, Bringing Cultures Together. (5.216-5.219)

2.     In Reading workbook complete pages 320 and 321.

3.     In cr cb write words 8-15 2x each in cursive: duo, patio, rodeo, pioneer, trio, stadium, audio

4.     Optional: Use the following site to see if  you understand the definitions of the spelling words: https://www.quia.com/jg/1980192.html


1.     Watch Brainpop on Area:  https://jr.brainpop.com/math/measurement/area/

2.     Take the easy quiz at the end of the Brainpop video.

3.     Watch this Educreations:https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/math-chp-9-11-lesson/52946127/?s=mxaw15&ref=appemail

4.     Complete math workbook page 121

5.     Check your answers for pages 120 and 121 here:

Answers for p. 120 and 121

6.     Optional: Want some more practice:


Spanish: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/april-2-2020-3rd-grade-lesson-21-p-85/52826724/?s=u17IDO&ref=appemail

PE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScm1DInIEolJYKqDjpeET99yJxLfDj1Wc-AqSpEd4BQHbfk5w/viewform

Read Aloud: Spies at Mount Vernon: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/read-aloud-spies-at-mount-vernon-chp-32/52931095/?s=IK0hSl&ref=appemail

Riddle Answer: The future


eLearning for Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Riddle: What's the best day of the year to monkey around with your friends?

Print out and take the 5 minute quiz to see how well you can follow directions:  5 minute quiz

The quiz is also in the Document section on the right. If you can't print out the paper just follow the instructions and do it on a blank piece of paper.


1.     We think of the folded paper crane as the international symbol of peace. Use the instructions to create a folded paper crane. Paper Crane

Here is another online sight that shows how to make the crane:

Paper Crane Instructions

2.      Write in your journal or classroom copybook 3-5 sentences in cursive about what you can do to bring peace to the world.


1.     Listen to the lesson:  Grammar: Comparing with Adverbs

2.     Complete grammar workbook pages 144 and 145

3.     Check your answers here: Answers for pages 144 and 145


In your copybook please head a page with Science and today’s date.  Write the 3 states of matter and give 3 examples of each.

***OPTIONAL- Go Noodle (Get Moving!)

Please go online to gonoodle.com. Click on Categories and open the Science Section. In this section find Water Cycle. Enjoy!

Reading/ Spelling:

1.     Listen and watch :https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/reading-suki-s-kimono-syllable-pattern-cv-vc/52901803/?s=RWEtJ9&ref=appemail

2.     Login into Pearson and watch: *Concept Talk Video and *Envision It! Animation: Compare and  Contrast

3.     In workbook complete pages 316 and 317.

4.     Write the list words 1-8, 2x each in cursive in cr cb:

create, medium, piano, idea, radio, video, studio and violin

For this story we will be only using the first 15 spelling words.


1.     Watch Brainpop, Jr.: Perimeter

2.     Watch educreations: Perimeter Lesson

3.     Complete workbook p. 120

4.     Optional: Play with a geo board:https://apps.mathlearningcenter.org/geoboard/

Can you create a plane figure where P =  8 units? 10 units?

Art- See email sent out yesterday or under documents for Art Project #2.

Read Aloud: Spies at Mount Vernon: Chp. 31


Riddle Answer: Ape-ril Fool's Day, of course.


eLearning for Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Riddle: Why does the teacher wear sunglasses when she comes to the class?


1.     Listen to the this educreations for chp. 16, pages 141 and 142-Religion pages 141 and 142

2.     Say a decade of the Rosary.

Grammar: In grammar workbook complete pages 142 and 143. Answer short questions in cursive.

ReadingSign onto Pearson- Complete the Reading Test for Fly, Eagle, Fly!

SpellingSign onto Spellingcity and take the spelling test under assignments for Fly, Eagle, Fly! Spellingcity

Math: Math review. Sign onto Mobymax: mobymax sign in. Click on the pile of books icon on the top left. Then click on the last orange box on the page named Skills Review. The Skill Review should start for you right away once you click on it.  You will answer the questions and be given feedback. This is not for a grade, just fun learning to reinforce what we have been doing in chp. 9 so far. Use your math workbook if needed to answer any of the questions

Social Studies- Read pages 231- 233, and answer questions 4-6

Spanish: Listen to the lesson from Senora Kyker: Spanish for March 31

Science-1. Moby Max (School code- VA2554)

Please complete only the next section: States of Matter.

***OPTIONAL - Study Jams (Scholastic)

Please go online to Study Jams. Click on Science, See All Topics,

Matter. In this section please open Solids, Liquids and Gases. Watch

the video, sing karaoke, and test yourself as a review.

Read aloud:Spies at Mount Vernon: Chp. 30

Riddle Answer: Because the students are bright


eLearning for Monday, March 30, 2020

Riddle: The more you take away, the more I become. What am I? ( Answer at the bottom)

On this day in history:

On March 30, 1867, the United States reached an agreement to purchase Alaska from Russia for a price of $7.2 million. The Treaty with Russia was negotiated and signed by Secretary of State William Seward and Russian Minister to the United States Edouard de Stoeckl. Critics of the deal to purchase Alaska called it "Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox." Opposition to the purchase of Alaska subsided with the Klondike Gold Strike in 1896.

Optional: Want to learn more? :  Alaska History,  Klondike Goldrush


1.     Use your Religion book and open to p. 139: Religion Chp. 16

2.     Pray a decade of the Rosary.

Wall sit – 20 seconds

Grammar: Aim: Identify adverbs in a sentence.

1. Review adverbs from our lesson last week, pages 140-141. Listen to this YouTube to review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94aFcx6oliY

2. Play online game for Unit 4, Lesson 31 on Sadlier (no login needed): Unit 4, Lesson 31 Adverb Game

Wall sit – 20 seconds


1. Complete p. 310 in Reading workbook. Check your answers here: Answers Workbook p. 310

2. Login to Pearson and complete Story Sort and Journal, slides 1 and 2, for Fly, Eagle, Fly! Don’t forget your punctuation for your response on the second slide.

3. Complete a Cause and Effect matching game, no login required:

Cause and Effect Matching Game

4. Login to Pearson Reading. Play some of the vocabulary activities for this week. The words are clutched, echoed, gully, reeds, scrambled, thatch and valley. You will need to understand all these words for the test tomorrow.

Spelling- Take a practice test for the words in Fly, Eagle, Fly! in your planner. Study for the spelling test tomorrow.

Wall sit – 20 seconds

Math: Aim- to identify solid figures and attributes of solid figures.

1.     Watch Brainpop, jr and complete both the easy and hard quizzes following the video: Brainpop,Jr., Solid Shapes

2.     Find in your house a tissue box, cereal box or other cardboard box that you can make markings on.  Listen to my educreations and follow along using your box: Math 9.9 Part 1

3.     Listen and learn about nets with solid figures: Math 9.9 Part 2

4.  Complete p. 119 in the math workbook.

5.  Optional: Awesome resource! Challenging Cube Net Game

How did you do? Some of those were hard!

6.     Optional:  Using legos, or blocks, or other type of toy. Create one of the solid figures we are learning about: cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders, spheres, pyramids or cones

7.     Optional: Print, cut out, and use a net to build a  rectangular prism or a pyramid: Nets to cut out and create 3-D shapes

This is from sadlierconnect.com and no login is needed.

Wall sit – 20 seconds

Social Studies-Read pages 228- 230, Answer 1-3 in your workbook. Focus on the definitions of the highlighted words in the text.

Read Aloud: Spies at Mount Vernon, Chp. 29: Read Aloud Chp. 29, Spies at Mount Vernon

Riddle Answer: A hole

____________New Week_________ 



eLearning for Friday, March 27, 2020


Riddle: What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?


1. Listen and watch the Mass. You can do it live at 8:30 or 12, and it also recorded: https://www.stjamescatholic.org/current-events/livestreamed-masses
2. Pray a decade of the Rosary. Pray for the special intentions that Sister Mary Sue had on this morning’s announcements.
Language Art: Take out your classroom copybook. This is going to be a dictation test that you will correct yourself at the end. This is not for a grade. Pay attention to proper nouns.
Dictation Test # 1, March 27 It is missing the answer to #2 so then click on this link to check your second sentence:
Dictation Sentence #2
Reflexmath. Please do it until you get to the green light. You want these facts mastered before we get to long multiplication and division!
Music-See the music assignment #2 under documents. I also emailed the assignment to your parents.
Library: Watch the Brainpop, Jr: https://jr.brainpop.com/readingandwriting/readingskills/library/


This lists the various parts of a dust jacket:http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/bookcover/guide/ 

Create a dust jacket for an imaginary book. The first option is for one  you can create after you print out the template. https://elementarylibrarian.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/CreateLabel.pdf

The second option is if you want to create a dust jacket online.
Enjoy a Go Noodle with your family: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNL6RwymoNg
Read Aloud, Spies at Mount Vernon, Chp. 28 : Spies at Mount Vernon, Chp. 28
Riddle answer: Lunch and dinner

Have a great weekend. How have you helped your family today?

"Smile at each other. Smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other – it doesn’t matter who it is – and that will help to grow up in greater love for each other."  Saint Teresa of Calcutta


eLearning for Thursday,  March 26, 2020

On this day in 1953, Jonas Salk announced his vaccine to prevent polio.

Dr. Jonas Salk was a doctor who figured out how to make a vaccine that kept people from getting a disease called paralytic polio. Paralytic polio (pronounced pear-uh-LIH-tick POE-lee-oh) is a disease that is caused by a virus that can leave people unable to move and sometimes permanently damages parts of their body. It can even cause death.

Optional: If you want to learn  more about Jonas Salk, go to this site: Life of Jonas Salk

Also I have placed a book in your Pearson assignments: Grandpa Joe and Jonas Salk. Just login to your Pearson site and go to your assignments, the eBook should be at the bottom of the assignments. Every day Jonas Salk prayed that he would do something good for mankind. What are some things that you would like to pray for today?

1. You are to write a letter to a grandparent or elderly friend, perhaps someone who is isolated during this Coronavirus. Make sure you                             wash your hands before writing the letter and addressing the envelope.

2. You can print out this template to use or create your own. Personal Letter Template

3. Write a letter telling the person about the Sorrowful Mysteries. Please include other information as well. Maybe you could tell them what you are                             doing at your house. Try and end your note with something positive that happened this week. The letter should be at least 3-5 sentences, and                                 more is fine as well.

4. Fold your letter and drawings of the Sorrowful Mysteries, place in an envelope, and mail them to your grandparent/elderly person. If you don’t                                have an envelope, you can use this template to make one:  Make an Envelope

5. Place a stamp on the letter and walk to your local mailbox with an adult and mail the letter.

6. If you and your parents can’t think of a person to write to, you could write to our neighbors (Dear Friends,) at the assisted living facility a block                                from St. James:

The Kensington Falls Church

700 West Broad St

Falls Church, VA 22046

15 second plank

Language Arts:

1. Listen to this Brainpop on adjectives and adverbs: https://jr.brainpop.com/readingandwriting/word/adjectivesandadverbs/

2. Watch this Educreations.: Adverbs, Lesson 31

3. Complete Grammar workbook pages 140 and 141.

4. Check your work here, and place a check on those pages at the top: Grammar workbook pages 140 and 141

15 second plank


1. Listen to Brainpop on outlining: https://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/outlines/

2. Complete workbook p. 299 and check.

3. Workbook p. 300

4. Optional: Spellingcity games for Fly, Eagle, Fly

*Reading and Spelling Tests will be next TuesdayThere will be no testing on Friday.

*Optional Reading: The book, Grandpa Joe and Jonas Salk. This is in Pearson under assignments.

15 second plank

Math-aim- to recognize lines of symmetry and identify transformations

 1.     Watch this video on symmetry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFzktJNmnPU

 2.     Watch this: Math Lesson 9.7 Lines of Symmetry

 3.     Complete p. 117 in your math workbook.

 4.     Check your workbook p. 117 here:Math workbook p. 117

 5.     Watch this: https://jr.brainpop.com/math/geometry/slidesturnsandflips/

 6.     Complete p. 118 in wkbk and check: Workbook p. 18

15 second plank

Social Studies-Read pages 223-225 in your book. Answer questions 4-6.

Optional: Explore Badlands National Park with Google Earth:Badlands National Park- Google Earth Explore

15 second plank 

PE-Hydration Unit from the PE teacher. See the email I sent to the parents yesterday. The assignment is also listed in my documents section.

Spies at Mount Vernon: Spies at Mount Vernon, Chp. 27


eLearning for Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Feast of the Annunciation

Wonderful Wednesday

Riddle for the day: What gets wetter as it dries?  See the bottom for the answer.


1.   Illustrate the 5th Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary, The Crucifixion. Please place this in your folder or other safe space for tomorrow’s work.

2.    Read this: “And when they came to the place called "The Skull,” they crucified Him. “(Luke 23:33) And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34) And one of the robbers crucified with Him said, Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom. (Matt. 27:44; Luke  23:39, 42) And Jesus said to him “Amen I say to thee this day thou shalt be with Me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

3. Read this about the Feast of the Annunciation:

“Behold the Handmaid of the Lord”

The feast of the Annunciation is celebrated on March 25, nine months before Christmas.  This feast celebrates the day the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the Mother of Jesus.  Mary was an ordinary girl from a simple town.  Yet, God chose her from all time, and set her apart to be the mother of His Son. Mary understands, loves, and cares for each one of us in a very special way.  She is truly the best of mothers. 

Optional: Feast of the Annunciation Coloring Page:https://www.sjtb.org/images/Annunciation.pdf

3.   Pray a decade of the Rosary.

10 Sit-Ups


1. Moby Max-Open to the Science section. Please complete the next section: What Is Matter Made Of?

2. Brain Pop-Open the Science section and find Matter Changing States. Watch the movie and in the game section look at States of Matter: Basics, to explore matter as you heat, cool, and compress atoms and molecules.

10 Sit-Ups

Reading: 1. Listen to the story, Fly, Eagle, Fly, read aloud online:


                    2. In workbook complete pages 296 and 298

Spelling:  Optional: Play a game on Spelling city with the words from Fly, Eagle, Fly. https://www.spellingcity.com/Log-yourself-in.html

10 Sit-ups

Math: 1. Listen to this lesson on Educreations:


2.     Complete math workbook p. 116

10 Sit-ups

Art- See Mrs. Shumate’s Letter under “Documents” in my right tab.The letter is dated March 18 and was also emailed to the parents last Saturday.

Computer- See Mrs. McNulty-Stephen’s letter under “Documents” on the right for her letter and assignment for today. It was also emailed to parents last night.

10 Sit-ups

Read aloud: Spies at Mount Vernon, Chp. 26: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/spies-at-mount-vernon-read-aloud-chp-26/52503865/?s=6lDIeQ&ref=appemail

Answer to the Riddle:   A towel      _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

eLearning for Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Happy Birthday, Cora!

Religion: 1. Illustrate the 4th Sorrowful Mystery, Carrying of the Cross, on the 

                  top, left quadrant of the back of your page.                                             

                   2. Pray a decade of the Rosary.

10 jumping jacks


1.     Sign into Mobymax, (using sign in info in front of your planner), and it will open up to Assignments.  Complete Grammar Test- Identify Adjectives. This will be for a grade.

2.     In Grammar workbook, complete pages 138 and 139.

3.     You can check p. 138 here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/grammar-lesson-30-p-138-answers/52399699/?s=u4SZIT&ref=appemail

4.     On Mobymax again, under the Assignment list, complete Grammar- Comparative Adjectives. This is also for a grade.

10 jumping jacks


1.     Listen to this Educreations: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/reading-summary-for-reading-book-p-293/52411429/?s=vcFOpo&ref=appemail

2.     Complete  Reading wkbk p. 293

3.     Sign on to the Pearson Site, Explore, Literacy, Unit 4, Week 5, Day 2, Vocabulary Activities, Vocabulary Cards. Please scroll through the 7 vocabulary words and make sure your click on definition, sentence, and image if there is one.

4.      In Reading workbook complete p. 294.

5.     Sign onto the Pearson site, Click on Work, eText: Read p. 158-167, Fly, Eagle, Fly. (Unit 4, Week 5) You can type in this page number in the bottom middle as 4.158 to 4.167. The 4 stands for Unit 4.

6.     Optional: *Listen to Brainpop: https://www.brainpop.com/english/grammar/prepositionalphrases/

  *Complete page 295 in Reading workbook

10 jumping jacks

Spelling: Write list words 11-20, 2x each in cursive in classroom copybook.

11. explode, 12.  district, 13. address, 14. substance, 15. children, 16. merchant,

17. embrace , 18. purchase, 19. curtsy,  20.  contract

10 jumping jacks

Math: Sign into Mobymax and take the Math Test Chapter 9, Lessons 1 , 2 , 3, and 5.

10 jumping jacks


Lesson from Señora Kyker

10 jumping jacks

Science-1. Moby Max (School code- VA 2554)

Open up the Science section.  You will be set to begin the Unit on Matter.  Please do only the first section: Matter and Its Properties.

2. Brain Pop- Please go online to Brain Pop.  Open the Science section and find Matter & Chemistry.  In this section please locate States of Matter, watch the short movie and play the game Matter Sorter.  (You can even challenge your parents to a game.)

Read Aloud: Spies At Mount Vernon, Chapter 25:





eLearning for Monday, March 23, 2020


1.     Using your paper from last week, write the Third Sorrowful Mystery, The Crowning with Thorns, at the top of the next quadrant and illustrate it.

2.     Pray a decade of the Rosary.

10 second wall sit        

Grammar-Unit 4, Lesson 30: Comparing with More and Most, p. 136-137.

1.     Watch this educreations:


2.     Complete pages 136 and 137 in grammar workbook.

3.     Go to Sadlier website and play game to practice:


10 second wall sit       


1.     Login to the Pearson Reading site using your login information from the front of your planner. https://www.pearsonrealize.com/index.html#/

Click on “Work” and your assignments for today should be listed there.

(Alternative navigation on the Pearson site should your “Assignments” not appear under “Work”: Click on Explore-Literacy-Unit 4- week 5- Fly, Eagle, Fly-     Day 1 )

2. On Assignments, watch the video on PearsonRealize for:

    a. Concept Talk Video (#4)

    b. Envision It! Animation: Cause and Effect (#7)

3. Listen and watch the Educreations with the Amazing Words for the week:


4.     Listen to Brainpop, Jr. and complete the easy quiz after the video:


5. Complete workbook p. 292 in reading workbook.

10 second wall sit          


1.     Listen to Educreations on the pattern, vcccv:


2.     Complete workbook p. 291 in Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook

3.     Write list words 1-10, 2x each in hw cb in cursive in cr cb. (Syllables VCCCV)1. monster,2. surprise,3. hundred,4. complete,5. control,6. sample,7. instant,8. inspect,9. pilgrim, 10. contrast

Optional: Get on Spellingcity and choose a game to play to practice your spelling words from Fly, Eagle, Fly. https://www.spellingcity.com/Log-yourself-in.html

10 second wall sit          

Math- Create and color a robot:

1.     Make your robot 8 inches tall. (Use your ruler)

2.     Use the following shapes at least once in creating your robot: triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon

3.     Name it, and sign your name at the bottom.

4.     Color it, take a picture of it, and email it to me.

Optional: Reflex Math until you get the green light.https://www.reflexmath.com/

10 second wall sit          

Social Studies-

1.     Go to your Social Studies book, My World, and Read pages 220-222.

2.     Answer 1-3 in your workbook.

3.     Sign in to Pearson (same sign in as Reading from this morning) and click on “Work”.

(Alternative navigating if Assignments under “Work” are not listed : Click on Explore, instead of Work, Social Studies- 21st Century Learning, green at the bottom,- Click on first box: Analyze Cause and Effect, first one)

4. On the assignment list on Pearson, read: Quick Reference: Analyze Cause and Effect

5. Then watch the video on the Assignment list: Analyze Cause and Effect


*Sign in to Pearsonrealize.com and click on: Explore-SS-Leveled Reader- Jane Addams. Read the story aloud to a family member.


In case you missed it last week, here are the read aloud chapters from Spies from Mount Vernon. They were on my homework page last week, but not on the email I sent out the night before:

1.     Chp. 22: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/read-aloud-spies-at-mount-vernon-end-of-chp-22/52209922/?s=4RBdME&ref=appemail

2.     Chp. 23: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/read-aloud-spies-at-mount-vernon-chp-23/52254493/?s=qjwmUV&ref=appemail

3.     New today, Chp. 24: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/spies-at-mount-vernon-chp-24-read-aloud/52354056/?s=58qlLc&ref=appemail

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